Geotextilie jsou nezbytnými doplňkovými izolacemi, které plní tyto funkce: ochrana hlavní izolační vrstvy ve stavbě, filtrace, drenáž, separace částí stavební konstrukce.
Geotextiles are essential complementary insulation that performs the following functions protection of main insulation layer within the construction, filter, drainage, separation of structure parts.
Available geotextiles are made from high-grade polypropylene and polyester. Advantages include, among others, tolerance to alkali and acidulous environments, or resistance against common solvents. We offer GETEX natural geotextile and IZOLTECH-H, IZOLTECH-S, IZOLTECH-K, geoNETEX M/B, geoNETEX M, PetexDren synthetic geotextiles.
Natural textiles are suitable only for temporary use, such as protection of building structure against frost, wetting of drying concrete. They degrade with time, therefore they are not suitable as permanent protection.
Synthetic geotextiles can be used also for permanent protection of membranes spread underground during construction of roadways, parking areas, railways, forest roads,
during construction and reconstruction of dumps, during establishment of reservoirs and mud settling ponds, during installation of roof systems, and during construction of tunnels and bridges.
Geotextile for foil protection and separation.
Iron-smoothed geotextile for foil protection and separation.
The geotextile is used as a mechanical protection against waterproofing membrane damage.
The natural non-woven geotextile is used as a temporary protection of drains, piping, and constructions against frost.
Synthetic geotextile for foil protection and separation.
Synthetic geotextile for foil protection and separation.
The PetexDren geotextile mat is used for the draining and separation of ground structures in roadway construction, for dewatering, and as anti-erosion protection of slopes.